Sunday, October 25, 2009

HAPPY FALL YA'LL! These are images of my little friend Maddie and they were taken during our Fall Children's promotion at our little cabin in the woods!

Sorry I haven't blogged for a while. We had a really busy summer doing Senior portraits along with our children and family portraits, and now we are so busy doing holiday portraits. A couple of things have been on my heart that I wanted to share with you all. It always amazes me how the Lord sends comfort during hard times. Two things come to mind. A couple of months ago, we lost a client who was very dear to us who was only 19 years old and who was the great neice of one of my employees. It was a really hard week for us. However, we did a session for a little boy that I had requested prayer for back some time ago. His name is Brooks and he had battled cancer of the eye. He is now cancer free and you would never know he had a sick day in his life. Brooks (and his new baby brother) were my bright spot during a very dark week. I want to take this time to thank all of you who said prayers for him. God answered those prayers and I want to share an image of him from the session. The second bright spot during a dark time was during the death of my husband's uncle, Steve Carr. We buried Steve on Wednesday and the family again was mourning the loss of someone we loved very much. On Friday of that same week, we received the news that we are going to be grandparents to TWINS!!! Our tears turned to smiles! Isn't it amazing how God works! I feel sorry for those who do not believe in Him. He is our Comfort, our Saviour, our Friend. I hope someone will be blessed by reading this!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

In Loving Memory of Roy Carr

Last week I was called to the hospital with a request from a family that wanted to capture some last memories before the Lord called their loved one home. Their request was to photograph only the families' hands. The first image was of his hands with his mother and father's. It's not supposed to happen like this. Parent's are suppose to go before their children. Knowing the situation made it hard to "hold it together". It's amazing how the Lord gives me strength to get the job done, and then allows me to fall apart as soon as I get in the car to drive home. As I was driving, I could just see Roy walking through those beautiful pastures behind and on both sides of their home. Thus I was inspired by the words I would place on the portrait of the hands with his wife and two children. Two days later, Roy passed from this life. Today I attended his funeral where both of these prints were displayed beside his casket. The words to the song "Daddy's Hands" were recited by one of the ministers, and his daughter read a poem written by a friend entitled, "Hard Working Hands". At his graveside at the end of his service, we all joined hands as we prayed the final prayer. I think sometimes we take our hands for granted. I am thankful to our heavenly father for the work he allows me to do with my hands, and I think this experience has made me realize how important our hands are. How will you use your hands today? Will you shake the hand of someone who needs a friend, will you use them to help someone in need, will you use them to pray and thank the Lord for all the blessings in your life. I will thank Him for giving me this opportunity to create something for this family to treasure long after this day has passed.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Valentines Special was a great success, and we had a ball! We can't wait to get in the custom valentine cards made from these sessions. These moms can tell you that they got a great value with this promotion. There was over $100 worth of free artwork applied to their prints, and these packages started at just $50. We hope to offer a similar special again next Valentines season.